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NYSSPS Leadership to Testify at Single Payer Hearing in Albany

May 24, 2019 4:07 PM | Deleted user

On Tuesday, May 28, 2019 the New York State legislature will hear public testimony on a proposal to create single payer system in the state.

The New York Health Act, A.5248/S.3577, would replace traditional health insurance coverage and public health coverage programs with single-payer health coverage, including long-term care, for all New Yorkers. The program would be publicly funded, including existing federal support for Medicaid and Medicare. New Yorkers would not be required to pay premiums, deductibles, co-pays, or out-of network charges.

This hearing is the first of a series of hearings that will provide an opportunity for comments and suggestions from stakeholders around the state on the New York Health Act.

NYSSPS leader, Daniel Huang, MD, will testify on behalf of the Society.  The Society plans to cite concerns regarding delays in care, poorer outcomes and economic viability for practices. 

NYSSPS acknowledges the Sponsor’s efforts to add provisions that remove the requirement for prior authorizations for health care services.  Additionally, we acknowledge the provisions to allow for health care providers to collectively negotiate with New York Health including payment rates and methodologies.

The Society support solutions that build on the strengths of New York’s current system and will continue to work with the legislature to identify ways to advance healthcare delivery improvements. We strongly oppose the New York Health Plan in its current iteration but hope to work toward a viable plan acceptable to all stakeholders.

To submit your own testimony, please visit this link for more details. 

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