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Wait Times for Necessary Treatment in Canada Increase According to Recent Report

December 20, 2019 9:33 AM | Deleted user

The Fraser Institute in Canada released their annual "Waiting Your Turn" report. Researchers found that wait times for medically necessary treatment increased in 2019. Specialists surveyed reported a median wait time of 20.9 weeks between referral from a general practitioner and when the individual received the treatment. That's up from 19.8 weeks in 2018. 

The longest wait is for orthopedic surgery, at 39.1 weeks. Plastic surgery and ophthalmology have the second and third longest waits, respectively. 

The New York Health Act has overwhelming support in the Assembly and is gaining ground in the Senate. Hearings have taken place across the state and NYSSPS was there represented by founding NYSSPS member, Dr. Scot B. Glasberg. While in strict opposition to this bill, we recognize that there is a distinct possibility of it becoming the law of our land. The impact will be a complete overhaul of healthcare in NYS and the eventual elimination of private health insurance. We have been actively involved to try to shape the language in the bill and in particular, to ensure that if this bill does pass, that reimbursement will be in excess of the cost required to provide care. You can see Dr. Glasberg’s testimony HERE

Sponsors of the New York Health Act often point to Canada's healthcare system as a model that New York State should seek to move toward. However, the Fraser Institute research shows that such a system can lead to problems like longer wait times, which then leads to poorer medical outcomes and higher costs to individuals.

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